Unrecognized charge, get a hassel-free refund

Have an unrecognized charge on your credit or debit card.  Report the charge and get a refund done quickly without the headaches.

Merchants are generally more than happy to find a resolution with their customers, if they are aware of the problem.  Disputing a change with the bank creates a headache for both you and the merchants and simply allow the bank to charge fees.

Report A Transaction and get Hassle-Free Resolution

Merchants and online sellers are generally more than happy to proactively resolve all customer dissatisfactions, assuming they are aware of the problem

Disputing a charge with your bank before contacting the merchant creates a headache for both you and the merchant and the only one who profits is the Bank.

why report a charge

Merchants who have registered with RefundMyCharge have elected to do everything in their power to ensure that you, their customer, is satisfied and that any misunderstanding is resolved prior to you submitting a dispute.

When you call your bank before sumitting a request for resolution, you create a 3 party dispute, by which you may or may not get your money back, the merchant will do everything in their power to avoid giving you are refund, simply because the “winner” the bank has charged them a $30 – $50 fee, simply because you contacted them first.

The smart move it to engage with RefundMyCharge to get a resolution direclty with merchant.