what is thing charge for?
SP MYSMD 3107132162 CA
merchant name
Not confirmed yet
product / service overview
We have not yet received details about the products and services offered by this merchant.
refund policy
We have not yet been able to confirm the merchant's refund policy, but we will contact them on your behalf.
resolution authorization
We will attempt to contact the merchant on your behalf to address your case.
open resolution case
Requests are processed immediately!
Please complete the request form with as much information as possible. The provided details will help us locate your account and resolve your request quickly and effectively.
We have not yet been able to verify the customer rating.
customer satisfaction
- Authorized 0%
- Unauthorized 0%
recent resolutions
We have not yet been able to verify the customer rating.
customer satisfaction
- Authorized 0%
- Unauthorized 0%
merchant name
Not confirmed yet
product / service overview
We have not yet received details about the products and services offered by this merchant.
refund policy
We have not yet been able to confirm the merchant's refund policy, but we will contact them on your behalf.
resolution authorization
We will attempt to contact the merchant on your behalf to address your case.
open resolution case
Requests are processed immediately!
Please complete the request form with as much information as possible. The provided details will help us locate your account and resolve your request quickly and effectively.
what is thing charge for?